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Fixing Bad Breath

As a working adult, having fresh breath is a must in any professional situation. Bad breath can get in the way of making a great first impression, which isn’t what you want in the business world. Not to mention that bad breath can make social situations less "social". If you'd like some help, the dentists and hygienists here at New Hampshire Center for... read more »

11 Reasons You May Have Bad Breath (And Not Know It)

Bad. Breath. We’ve all noticed it, probably more in others that in ourselves– which can be part of the problem. It can be unpleasant and embarrassing for all involved, but what causes the offensive odor? And what to do about it? There are a number of reasons people develop bad breath, but in most people who are healthy, the usual... read more »

Do Cavities Cause Bad Breath?

Fix Bad Breath From Tooth Decay Are you suffering from bad breath but don’t exactly know what the cause is? If you’ve tried the usual solutions without effect, it’s probably time for you to visit your dentist. There are many causes of unpleasant mouth odors and your dentist can often help you find the source of your problem. Many times... read more »